Unfortunately, not all interviews or presentations are either recorded or open access .
2024, Interviewed by Nathalie Jaspar:
2024. Interview of Dori Beeler and me by Reiki Rays University:
2022, Interview by Nathalie Jaspar:
2022, Interview of Dori Beeler and me by Graziano Scarascia of the Italian Reiki Ass.:
2021, Interview of Dori Beeler and me by Eniko of the Rumanian Reiki Ass.:
2021, A 'Thank You' by René Vögtli:
2020, Interview by Walter Lübeck:
2019 onward, monthly 3th Saturday, webcast of a "Circle of Scholars" on many aspects of Reiki, facilitated by
Reiki Home. In the near future, Reiki Home will present a list of all previous webcasts.
An interview in three parts, to be found in the list
2013, May Reiki and mysticism 3th Interview by Phyllis Furumoto in the Series Reiki. Balancing Form and Essence.
2012, June Reiki and mysticism 2cd Interview by Phyllis Furumoto in the Series Reiki. Balancing Form and Essence,
2012, April Reiki and mysticism 1st Interview by Phyllis Furumoto in the Series Reiki. Balancing Form and Essence,
2011 Wat is de relatie tussen Reiki en Boeddhisme? [What is the relation between Reiki and Buddhism?] Interview BOS Radio (Dutch National Buddhist Radio station). (No longer available)