
2024 Tokio Yokoi. From Japanese Christianity to Unniversal Reiki. Click HERE. At the bottom of the page you can change the language of the website, not of the book obviously.

2023 Reiki. Analyse van een Spirituele Heelwijze. Om het aan te schaffen, klik HIER. Het is ook beschikbaar in de bibliotheek, en tevens is het als audeoboek te lbeluisteren bij PassenLezen.

2020 Beeler, D., Jonker, J. Reiki Practice and Surrender. An intersection of Body, Spirituality, and Religion, LIT Verlag, Vienna. Click on: LIT Verlag.

2016 Reiki. The Transmigration of a Japanese Spiritual Healing Practice, LIT Verlag, Vienna.
Click on: LIT Verlag.
The Errata can be found HERE.
Een samenvatting in het Nederlans vindt je HIER.
A summary in English can be found HERE.

2010 Wat kenmerkt Reiki mystiek? Een verkenning van mystieke ervaringen van Reiki-beoefenaars [What characterizes Reiki mysticism? An exploration of Reiki practitioners’ mystical experiences] Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Master thesis for the study Interreligious Spirituality.

Web-Based Publications
2019 [ongoing] Vendrell, F., Jonker, J., Beeler, D., et al., Glossary of Terms. In: European Reiki Groups (click on ERG).

2019 Beeler, Dori; Jonker, Jojan. “Healing and Religion”. In: Oxford Bibliographies in Anthropology. Ed. John Jackson. New York: Oxford University Press (click on OxfordBib).

2016 Beeler, D., Jonker, J., "Reiki in the West". In: The World Religions & Spirituality Project (click on WRSP).

Other publications
2024. “Neue Informationen zur Geschichte der Reiki-Methode”. In: Reiki Magazin. Vol. 2/24. pp38-39.

2023. Beeler, D., Jonker, J. "Reiki Practice and the body as mediator for religiosity". In: The Routledge International Handbook of Religion in Global Society, pp363-376. Ed. Yudit Greenberg, George Pati. Abingdon: Routledge. (Click HERE.)

2022 "Oneness". In: Touch Magazine. Autumn. Click HERE.

2022 "Uma Introducaopessoal". In: Magalhaes, J. Reiki Usui. Guia para uma vida pacifica e feliz, pp21-27.

2021 Jonker, J., Beeler, D. "How and why does daikomyō work?". In: Lettre Reiki December issue.
2022 For translations in several languages, click HERE.

2019 "Celebration Congress 2022". In: Touch Magazine. Autumn, p29.

2019 Beeler, D., Horowitz, L., Jonker, J. The Entrance to Reiki - An Overview. (click HERE.)

2017 "The 2022 dream". In: Touch Magazine. Autumn, p5.

2017 Beeler, D., Horowitz, L., Jonker, J. A Century of Reiki Practice: From Sacred One-ness to Many-ness. CESNUR paper, Jerusalem, Israel.

2016 Beeler D., Jonker J. "Experiente Paranormale în Practica Reiki: Ignorate sau Subapreciate?" [Paranormal Experiences in Reiki Practice: Ignored or taken for granted?]. In: Albu, M., Reiki, o energia a echilibrului [Reiki, the Energy of Balance], pp37-57.

2016 "Reiki, religion & spirituality"In: Touch Magazine. Winter, pp5-7.

2015 "Nieuw medicijn of nieuwe spiritualiteit?" [New medicine or new spirituality?] In: ParaVisie, November, p5, plus on website ParaVisie.

2012 "Mysticism in a new spirituality. A case study of Reiki". In: Studies in Spirituality. Vol. 22, pages 293-310. See SiS. (2016 reprint in: Transforming Spirituality. Celebrating the 25th Anniversary in Studies in Spirituality, pp449-468).

2012 DVD Japan 2012 Study Trip to Japan for Reiki Masters. Meetings and interview with members of Japanese Reiki styles and organizations, being part of the doctoral study. October.

2005 "Reiki en een persoonlijke zoektocht naar het vierde aspect; de mystieke orde" [Reiki and the personal quest for the fourth aspect: the mystic order]. In: Reiki Magazine. May.

2000 "To Say Good-bye". In: Lawson L. Visitations from the afterlife. pp51-52. Click HERE.